⋦ S e c r e t ⋧


A haze of synths from somewhere distant and melancholy.

19 tracks including Casino Versus Japan | Ocoeur | Loscil

In essence, a secret is rather like the combination to a safe, although we don’t know what it is, we know that it is made up of six digits, that one or more of them might even be repeated, and that however numerous the possible sequences, they are not infinite. As with all things in life, it is just a question of time and patience, a word here, another word there, an insinuating remark, an exchange of glances, a sudden silence, small disparate cracks that start opening up in the wall, the art of sleuthing lies in knowing how to bring them all together, how to eliminate the rough edges separating them, there will always come a moment when we must ask ourselves if the dream, the ambition, the secret hope of all secrets is, in fact, the possibility, however vague, however remote, of ceasing to be a secret.

Jose Saramago | The Cave